
Sunday 25 March 2012

Heading changes!

I'm currently trying to change the name ( aka blogadress) of my German blog - which wouldn't be so difficult, only I find it hard to come up with just the right new name I won't grow dissatisfied with. (What happened with the one I currently have over there, kreativekatzenkunst, which can be loosely translated as "creative cats crafts" to keep the alliteration or more precisely as creative cats art)

My brainstorming brought up some good ideas, but I'm still not 100% decided for a new name. Luckily I have great readers and friends who support me and come up with ideas of their own to help me along! One of this ideas was "Once upon a fabric" which is  just totally charming!! BUT. English! So, not useable for my German blog, I don't want to use the English language there to sound cool or trendy or what not...
Luckily for me I'm also developing this blog... So tadaa~aa!! A new, absolutely perfect heading!

Thanks to my friend Cypriana another small part of this blog is "done" :)

Friday 23 March 2012


So, nothing new in some months! Yes, actually months. Why is that, you may wonder? (You, who found their way here..)  Well, I've been concentrating on building up my German blog

I started both simultaneously and soon realized that I had to pick one to concentrate one at first, because I couldn't possibly manage both. Plus, I wanted (and still want) to create the designs for this blog myself and that will take more time of course than just finding a nice premade layout design online.

Some time later I also decided to assign each blog a different function. My German one will be my public craft blog, to share my ideas and projects with the (German speaking, so far) world. Whereas my English blog will once be my shop blog, accompanying the etsy shop I want to create in the future. As "2spirits" or Two Spirits within me is my designated brand name for everything I create you can guess why I chose this blog's particular adress,

To motivate myself to work on this blog too I wanted to create a to-do-list with steps to take!

The List:
  • take a new picture for the "About Me"-section, the current one is just for the Under Construction-phase
  • take cute pictures of my cats & craft materials to go in the header of this blog
  • scetch my layout ideas to show to friends who could help me with actualizing the designs!
  • enlist the help of said friends to help me with the design! (I'm a total noob when it comes to designing, so I really NEED help)
  • maybe do a craft swap with one of my drawing friends to get drawn pictures for the layout design too?

You see, there's still a lot to do. But it will be fun too!